Enhanced Theme Features

Enhanced Theme features are introduced in the version 2.3.7. As of now, only floating labels enhancement is added for Ethereal Material Styles Pro theme. Please keep in mind that even though we’ve been testing this feature for sometime, it might see major changes/improvements in the time to come. With some themes, it’s possible that the implementation might feel less than optimal. So please, test your forms before leaving this feature turned on. If you have found any annoyances or conflicts while using this feature. Contact support immediately, we’d like to fix any issues as soon as possible.

2 thoughts on “Enhanced Theme Features

  1. This feature is excellent; thankyou for taking the time to link so many resources and template material classes for such ease of use.
    1 – This feature has been improving in changes and I wonder if you have a list of themes through support feedback yet? Have any themes been annoying or plugins any conflicts?
    2 – What theme(s) do you usually test this (or your other projects) with?

    1. Hi Byron,

      We’ve added more stability and optimization to this feature since it was first introduced. A couple of users ran into issues earlier on, which were sorted immediately, that was months ago. We currently have no open issues with this feature. We have taken some more steps to reduce stubborn styles from some themes, which can be used in conjunction with floating labels to reduce conflicts.

      Please feel free to open a support ticket if you have specific questions. Unfortunately we do not have a list of themes, as most themes do not have issues. If we come across something that can be fixed, we try to fix it as soon as possible.

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